Sunday, January 3, 2010

from one continent to the next!

happy new year!

i have made it to continent 2 (out of 3): from north america to asia. i actually hand-wrote a blog entry when i was at la guardia because i got to the airport three hours early and i was done by 6:50am (though my flight wasn't until 9:30 to dc) but now i don't know where it is... well from dc i had a lovely 14-hour flight to tokyo filled with sleep deprivation, hunger, and total nausea during the last hour of the flight.. and then i had another two hours from tokyo to seoul, but i finally made it home after 11 months of american life at 11:15pm on december 31, 2009. the beginning of 2010 has been uneventful - mostly eating, sleeping, and watching tv. actually, that's all i plan on doing for the next month before leaving. i still have gel pens and index cards to make czech flash cards so maybe i'll get on that soon. more realistically, i'll spend the next month watching a lot of kpop and looking for internships. more of the former than the latter. if you are curious at all about the latest in kpop, be sure to ask me. if you can believe it, there is a song about marshmallows. when i saw it on tv yesterday, there was a girl singing about marshmallows (which we don't even have in korea, btw) and there was a dancing marshmallow on the stage. oh, it's good to be home.

if you're curious, youtube "marshmallow" by IU...

i don't actually have a lot to update for the blog since i'm not doing much (haha). oh i did get my plane ticket for prague and i am leaving on february 2 - flying from seoul to munich, then munich to prague! soon, i will be posting pictures of this city rather than kpop songs about food. can't wait!

prague: less than a month to go!


  1. bopeep bopeep bopeep bopeeep bopeep bopeep bopeep bopeep bopeep OWW <-- self explanatory
