Thursday, April 1, 2010

four midterms done, four cities to go!

as the title suggests, midterms week is over! it was relatively painless (the easiest set of midterms i've ever had), and now i get to look forward to a week of traveling, seeing familiar faces, and eating enough gelato and pasta to rival my own body weight. EPIC WIN. 

spring break started at 3pm today, after i got out of my multiculturalism class. for some reason, prague does not seem to sell travel-size shampoo so after that futile attempt, i came home and did a bunch of random tasks (like upload pictures, do pre-reg, answer emails, etc). now all i have to do is watch tuesday's lost episode, pack, and wake up bright and early tomorrow (4am) for my 7am flight!

friday-sunday morning: rome
sunday afternoon: florence
sunday evening-tuesday afternoon: bologna
tuesday night-friday night: paris

so. excited. i know i'm going to miss prague, though, because this past week has been wonderful (despite midterms). the weather has been decent, and we had the best. walking. tour. class. ever. yesterday. it involved pavel's life stories and questionable czech liquor. details forthcoming.

i have most of my rome trip planned but not much else. i arrive in rome tomorrow (friday) at 8:55am and i plan to start touring right away - colosseum, pantheon, trevi fountain, spanish steps, the works. all the online guidebook excerpts i read keep reminding me that "rome wasn't built in a day" so you shouldn't expect to see it in a day. sadly, i've only got two days. most of saturday will be dedicated to the vatican museums and the sistine chapel - i already bought my ticket! then sunday morning, i'll be going to easter mass with julie and her ND gang. i'm staying at a hostel run by nuns with julie, and i will finally meet some of her ND friends that i have heard so much about! exciting. i will also get to see greg and jess in the next couple days, which will be fantasticky :)

two favorites: springtime, and dinner at denisa's!

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